How to make a fist in a boxing glove?

Have you ever wondered how to make a proper fist while wearing boxing gloves? Making a correct fist is crucial for a boxer to prevent injuries and to deliver powerful punches.

In this article, we will guide you on how to make a proper fist in a boxing glove.

To make a proper fist, start by placing your fingers together and then curl them inwards, making sure your knuckles are aligned. Once your fingers are curled, tuck your thumb inside and wrap it tightly with the rest of your fingers. This will create a solid fist that can withstand the impact of punches.

How to make a fist in a boxing glove?

But making a proper fist is not the only thing that matters when it comes to boxing gloves. The size, weight, and material of the glove also play a significant role in your boxing performance.

We will discuss all these factors and more in this article, along with tips from renowned boxing experts on how to make the most out of your boxing gloves.

So, whether you are a beginner or a professional boxer, stay tuned to learn everything you need to know about making a proper fist in a boxing glove and choosing the right gloves for your needs.

Let’s deep dive.

Understanding the importance of a proper fist

Before we dive into the process of making a fist, it’s important to understand why it matters. A proper fist formation protects the bones in your hand from damage when you land a punch. It also helps to transfer more force into your punch, making it more powerful.

Materials you will need

To make a fist in a boxing glove, you will need:

  • Boxing gloves
  • Hand wraps

5 instant steps of making a fist in a boxing glove

Follow these steps to make a proper fist inside a boxing glove:

Step 1: Wrap your hands

Before putting on your gloves, wrap your hands properly to protect your wrist, knuckles, and thumb. Make sure the wraps are snug but not too tight to allow proper blood flow.

Step 2: Insert your hand into the glove

Insert your hand into the glove, ensuring that your fingers are all the way inside the glove.

Step 3: Make a fist

Begin by clenching your hand into a fist, ensuring that your thumb is on the outside of your hand, not tucked inside your fingers.

How to make a fist in a boxing glove?

Your fingers should be curled naturally, with your middle and ring fingers knuckles aligned.

Step 4: Position the fist

Position your fist correctly inside the glove by making sure that your knuckles align with the padding inside the glove. This helps distribute the impact of your punches evenly and reduces the chance of injury.

Step 5: Repeat on the other hand

Repeat the same steps on your other hand, making sure to take your time and ensure that both fists are formed correctly.

Common mistakes to avoid

Here are some common mistakes people make when forming a fist in a boxing glove and how to avoid them:

Mistake 1: Tucking your thumb inside your fingers

Tucking your thumb inside your fingers increases the risk of injury and reduces the force of your punch. Always ensure that your thumb is on the outside of your fist.

Mistake 2: Clenching your fist too tight

While it’s important to form a tight fist, clenching your fist too tightly can restrict blood flow, leading to fatigue and reduced performance. Ensure that your fist is tight but still allows proper blood flow.

Mistake 3: Not positioning the fist correctly

If your fist is not positioned correctly inside the glove, you risk injuring your hand and reducing the force of your punches. Always ensure that your knuckles are aligned with the padding inside the glove.

How to make a fist in a boxing glove?

Let’s move to some related faq’s

Related faq’s

How do you punch in boxing gloves?

To punch in boxing gloves, follow these basic steps:

  1. Put on your boxing gloves properly. Make sure they are snugly fitted, but not too tight or loose.
  2. Assume a proper boxing stance with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and your dominant foot back.
  3. Keep your hands up and your elbows in to protect your face and body.
  4. Make a fist with your dominant hand by curling your fingers tightly around your thumb.
  5. Twist your wrist and align your knuckles with your forearm for a straight punch.
  6. Keep your arm straight and punch with your entire body, rotating your hips and shoulders to generate power.
  7. Aim for the center of your opponent’s body or head, depending on the type of punch you are throwing.
  8. Follow through with your punch and retract your arm back to your guard position quickly to avoid leaving yourself open to counterattacks.

Remember to practice your punching technique regularly, focusing on proper form and increasing your speed and power over time.

It is also important to train with a qualified boxing coach or trainer to ensure your safety and improve your skills.

How do boxers make a fist?

Boxers make a fist by following these steps:

  1. Start with your hand open and fingers extended.
  2. Curl your fingers inward, folding them over your thumb. Your thumb should be outside your fingers, not inside.
  3. Squeeze your fingers tightly together to form a tight fist. Your knuckles should be in a straight line with your wrist.
  4. Tuck your thumb securely against the side of your fist to protect it.
  5. Double-check that your fist is not too tight or too loose. It should be comfortably snug around your fingers and wrist.
  6. Repeat these steps with your other hand to make a fist with both hands.

Remember to always use proper fist-making technique to avoid injury. If you are unsure about how to make a proper fist, seek guidance from a qualified boxing coach or trainer.

How to measure your fist for boxing gloves?

To measure your fist for boxing gloves, follow these steps:

  1. Use a soft tape measure or a piece of string.
  2. Wrap the tape measure or string around your dominant hand just below the knuckles. Make sure it is snug but not too tight.
  3. Take note of the measurement in inches.
  4. Compare your measurement to a size chart provided by the boxing glove manufacturer. Each manufacturer may have slightly different sizing, so be sure to check their specific chart.
  5. Choose the size that corresponds to your measurement. If your measurement falls between two sizes, it is usually best to choose the larger size for a more comfortable fit.

It is important to note that different brands and models of boxing gloves may fit differently, so it is always recommended to try on gloves before purchasing if possible.

Additionally, if you plan on using hand wraps under your gloves, you may need to size up to accommodate the extra bulk.

How do you put your hands in boxing gloves?

To put your hands in boxing gloves, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your hands are wrapped properly with hand wraps or gel wraps. This will provide additional support and protection for your hands and wrists.
  2. Open the glove wide and slide your hand in, making sure your fingers are positioned properly in the glove’s finger slots.
  3. Make sure your fingers are fully extended and your thumb is tucked securely against the side of your fist.
  4. Use your other hand to gently pull the glove over your hand and wrist, making sure it is snugly fitted but not too tight.
  5. Repeat the process with your other hand and glove.
  6. Double-check that both gloves are properly fitted and adjusted before you begin boxing.

It is important to make sure your gloves are properly fitted and adjusted to prevent injury and ensure maximum comfort and protection during training or competition.

If you are unsure about how to put on your gloves or if they feel uncomfortable or ill-fitted, seek guidance from a qualified boxing coach or trainer.


Forming a proper fist inside a boxing glove is essential in protecting your hand from injuries and maximizing the force of your punches.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your fists are formed correctly and that you are ready to deliver powerful punches in your next boxing match.

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