Dead rising 2 when do you get the boxing glove knife combo card

Dead rising 2 when do you get the boxing glove knife combo card.

In the relentless, post-apocalyptic world of Dead Rising 2, where survival hinges on ingenious weapon combinations, there exists a coveted gem that every player yearns for: the boxing glove knife combo card.

With its brutal effectiveness and crowd-pleasing spectacle, this combo card has become the stuff of legends among zombie slayers.

But the burning question on every survivor’s mind is, “When do you get the boxing glove knife combo card?”

Join us as we unravel the secrets behind acquiring this game-changing weapon and explore the mayhem it unleashes in the hordes of the undead.

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Dead rising 2, when do you get the boxing glove knife combo card? (Answer revealed)

In Dead Rising 2, you can obtain the Boxing Glove Knife combo card by following these steps:

1. Find the Boxing Gloves:

Boxing Gloves are a common item in the game and can be found in various locations throughout Fortune City. Keep an eye out for them in sporting goods stores, maintenance rooms, or even dropped by zombies.

Dead rising 2 when do you get the boxing glove knife combo card

2. Acquire the Bowie Knife:

The Bowie Knife is another weapon that you’ll need for this combo. You can usually find Bowie Knives in similar locations as the Boxing Gloves or in knife stores.

3. Combine the Weapons:

Once you have both the Boxing Gloves and the Bowie Knife, you can combine them to create the Boxing Glove Knife combo weapon.

To do this, stand near a workbench and select the combo card from your inventory to combine the two items.

The specific locations of these items may vary, so make sure to explore Fortune City thoroughly. Additionally, you can check in-game maps or online guides for precise locations if you’re having trouble finding them.

Now, see how you can get your glove by following these steps.

The Boxing Glove Knife Combo: A Lethal Laugh Riot

Before we dive into the specifics of acquiring the Boxing Glove Knife combo card, let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer brilliance of this weapon.

Imagine a pair of boxing gloves with razor-sharp knives attached to them. It’s the perfect blend of comedy and carnage, and it’s a fan favorite for a reason.

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Step 1: Find the Components

To craft the Boxing Glove Knife combo, you’ll first need to gather the necessary components. In Dead Rising 2, you’ll require a boxing glove and a bowie knife.

The boxing gloves can be found in various locations throughout Fortune City, so keep your eyes peeled as you explore.

Step 2: Head to the Maintenance Room

Once you have both the boxing glove and the bowie knife in your inventory, it’s time to head to a maintenance room.

These rooms are scattered throughout Fortune City and serve as your workshop for crafting the wild combo weapons the game has to offer.

Step 3: Combine the Weapons

Inside the maintenance room, open your inventory and select the boxing glove and bowie knife.

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Follow the on-screen prompts to combine the two, and voila! You now have the Boxing Glove Knife combo in your arsenal.

When Does the Combo Card Become Available?

So, you’ve crafted this bizarre yet deadly weapon, but when do you get the combo card to unlock its full potential?

The combo card for the Boxing Glove Knife is called “Spiked Gloves.” To acquire it, follow these steps:

Step 4: Rescue Lenny Mooney

To obtain the Spiked Gloves combo card, you’ll need to rescue a survivor named Lenny Mooney.

You can find Lenny in the Atlantica Casino, which is one of the many areas you’ll explore in Dead Rising 2.

Step 5: Escort Lenny to the Safe House

Once you’ve located Lenny, you’ll need to escort him safely to the Safe House.

Be prepared for a zombie onslaught during the journey. Lenny can be a bit of a handful, but protecting him is crucial to obtaining the combo card.

Here the difference between a mature boxing glove and a professional boxing glove.

Step 6: Claim Your Reward

Upon successfully escorting Lenny to safety, you’ll be rewarded with the combo card for the Spiked Gloves, which is essentially the Boxing Glove Knife.

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This card unlocks the full potential of the weapon, allowing you to perform devastating combo attacks on the undead.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I find the Boxing Glove and Bowie Knife early in the game?

Yes, both items can be found relatively early in Dead Rising 2, making it possible to create the Boxing Glove Knife combo in the early stages of the game.

Is the Spiked Gloves combo card required to use the Boxing Glove Knife effectively?

While you can use the weapon without the combo card, having it unlocks special combo attacks and enhances its effectiveness.

Are there other combo cards worth pursuing in Dead Rising 2?

Absolutely! Dead Rising 2 offers a plethora of combo weapons with their own unique abilities and humor. Explore the game to discover more of these fantastic combinations.

Can I use the Boxing Glove Knife to defeat psychopaths in the game?

Yes, the Boxing Glove Knife is a versatile weapon that can be used against both zombies and psychopaths, providing a fun and effective means of dispatching foes.

Where can I find more survivors to rescue in Dead Rising 2?

Survivors can be found throughout Fortune City. Keep an eye out for stranded individuals and help them to earn valuable rewards and prestige.

Here what are the different types of boxing gloves?


In Dead Rising 2, the Boxing Glove Knife combo is a testament to the game’s wacky yet satisfying gameplay.

To enjoy this unique weapon to its fullest, remember to gather the necessary components, craft it in a maintenance room, and rescue Lenny Mooney to obtain the combo card.

With the Spiked Gloves combo card in your possession, you’ll be ready to unleash hilarious mayhem on the zombie horde.

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